"Songs-Incantations and Film"
Over the years we have been accustomed to having music evenings or film evenings.
This time, we thought to combine them experimentally, to have the joy of diversity in harmony because when the elements are of good quality there can only be an evening that goes directly to the soul.
The EU Reflect e.V. Stuttgart invites you to a new artistic show where music and film will make an exceptional partnership.
Thus, we will have the great joy of applauding Anamaria Nicoară (piano and voice) in a special recital titled "Songs and Incantations". We will listen to the reinterpretation of folk songs as well as original songs of great sensitivity, in Romanian and English.
In the second part of this evening, we'll watch Björk Reinhardt's "Fröhliche Schwestern" / "Happy Sisters" with German subtitles. In 2016, we presented another documentary film directed by Björn Reinhardt: "Der Kinderberg".
Many thanks to Bogdan Piperiu for creating the event's poster.
Our media partner is "Zig-Zag de România" at Freies Radio für Stuttgart.
The entrance is free.
If you would like to contribute we'll happily accept your donations.
Saturday, 30 March 2019 at 19:00
Bgs Gwz S-Süd> Altes Feuerwehrhaus
56 Möhringer Straße, 70199 Stuttgart
We are looking forward to seeing you there.
Date: 18.03.2019
Intercultural Advent Concert
with children and young musicians with different nationalities, different ages
and different aptitudes, including teenages with disabilities
When: Friday 24 November 2017, 19:00
Where: BGS GWZ S - Süd Altes Feuerwehrhaus
Möhringer Straße 56, 70199 Stuttgart
This type of concert brings for the first time in Stuttgart on the stage a pioneering but already successful way of making music. Young people of different nationalities: German, Rumanian, Dutch, Georgian, Ethiopian, pupils from different schools - including teenages with disabilities - and also students from Music Universities (awarded) will meet together to make Music.
With great enthusiasm they will sing and play, solo and together in small ensemble with piano, violin, saxophone, voice, bringing joy and festive athmosphere for Advent, offering the public small or great treasures of clasic, romantic and light Music, also traditional Christmas Songs.
Concert organized by EU Reflect e.V.
Project coordinator: Pianist Cristina Popa - van Grootel
Media Partner: Redaction "Zig- Zag of Romania" bei Freies Radio für Stuttgart,
Supported by Kultur Amt Stuttgart
Poster: Andra Undiez
Free admission! Donations are welcome
Date: 07.11.2017
Dear Sir, Madam,On behalf of our members and partners, we aredelighted to invite you to another film screening RO.KINO organized by the “EUReflect e.V. – Association for Intercultural Dialogue” in collaboration with Fink e.V. Association and entitled
“Freiheit in Kinderschuhen”, an original, present-daydocumentary about freedom in Eastern Europe with and its major transformationsby the late 20th Century.
The screening will be followed by a discussion with special guests on the topic “freedom” and concluded with a musicalperformance.
The event will take place on the 15th of September 2017 starting at 6:00 p.m at the Altes Feuerwehhaus Süd, Möhringer Str. 56,70199 in Stuttgart.
We hope you will enjoy our evening together andthe many more that are still to come. Free entry. Donations are welcome.Many thanks to our friends from Fink e.V Associationfor this collaboration and their participation.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
EU Reflect e.V. Team
Date: 28.08.2017
Last year, more than 50.000 children could not go to school in Romania mainly because of poverty.
Most affected were families with multiple members in villages. Lack of clothes, food, books, pencils push children towards starting to work early in life, thus missing the chance of a proper education and a better future.
Every greeting card you choose will provide a book for a poor, but diligent pupil that will be offered to him/her at the end of the school year.
If you want to give a helping hand you can find [here] the greeting cards on offer and the information on how to donate.
We want to send 100 books to 100 children.
The found raising campaign is open till 15th of May.
Together we can make this happen!
For questions please leave a comment or contact me: laura_frentescu@yahoo.com
Date: 06.03.2017
10. December 2016 hour: 14:00
Galerie Inter ART
Rosenstraße 37
70182 Stuttgart
We invite you to a re-creative afternoon in December!
Cristina and Evert van Grootel will delight us with music, we will create seasonal
decorations with Laura and Ana.
Dorina Harangus leading "Teatrolici" the theater playing atelier, will offer us the chance to try playing, improvisation and theater all together.
Craft materials are provided for payment.
Free entry. Donations are welcome.
Date: 24.11.2016