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01.07.2016 - RO.KINO - The film "Der Kinderberg", direction: Björn Reinhardt

Writer, director, painter B.R. surprises us with his affection towards a
country which he wants to discover better and in the same time he want
to bring it closer to us and show it's beauties at international level.
Being a fine observer of the Romanian spirit, who even in the most
tragically situations does not lose it's hope ,the director has already
a strong and awarded track record on these themes.
Kinderberg is a movie about a remote mountain village in Romania and
it's treasures: the children.
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17.06.2016 - RO.KINO - The film "Omul" (Human), direction: Brigitte Drodtloff

We will watch together a short film that got many European and International prizes: OMUL (Mensch) directed by Brigitte Drodtloff, casting: Marcel IureÈ™, Magda Catone, Cristian Nicolaie, Silviu BiriÈ™, Eva BiriÈ™, Christel Ungar-Èšopescu.
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Romanian film evenings in Stuttgart, 2016
EU Reflect e.V. Association for Intercultural Dialogue, Stuttgart,
It is pleased to invite you to RO.KINO - Romanian film evenings in Stuttgart, 2016
Do you feel nostalgia for your home places? Do you like good stories and inspired dialogues? You wanted to see Romanian movies and did not have the opportunity yet?
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